Area Profile
According to results published in the 2021 Census there are 1700 people that live in Wem Rural Parish.
This is an increase of 50 people since the last Census of 2011.
You can download the report here.
You can view more results including employment, age breakdown in the images below or view the Census results here.
Diary Dates

Join Us at the Next Wem Rural Parish Community Drop-In
Following the success of the first Wem Rural Parish Council Community Drop-In in January, we’re delighted to invite residents to the next session at Edstaston Village Hall. These friendly gatherings, held on the third Wednesday of every month, offer a warm and...

Join Us for the Great British Spring Clean in Wem!
Spring is the perfect time for a fresh start, and what better way to give our local area a little love than by taking part in the Great British Spring Clean? We’re calling on volunteers to roll up their sleeves and help keep Wem looking its best. Date: Saturday 5th...

Wem Rural Parish Council Recognised as Runner-Up for SALC President’s Award
At the February Parish Council meeting, Wem Rural Parish Council (WRPC) was proudly awarded the runner-up position for the SALC President’s Award, recognising our outstanding contributions to the local community. The award was presented by Katrina Baker, President of...
Contact Us
The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way
07720 854185
This website is managed by Wem Rural Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and up to date although there can be no guarantee of this. The Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of wrong information on these pages. If you see any information on this website that is incorrect please notify the Parish Clerk.