Policies & Procedures


Parish Councils have powers to represent and support their local communities. They protect local environments and provide local services and facilities. However, Parish Councils do not automatically have a power of general competence – they do not have an unlimited power to do whatever they choose. Councils can only act if they have been given a specific power to do so by statute. This means that Councils are set up and controlled by Acts of Parliament.

It is important that Councils work within these statutes so policies and procedures are essential for ensuring that any business is conducted in the correct legal and transparent manner.

Our policies and procedures are set out below.

Biodiversity PolicyAugust 2026
Community Engagement StrategySeptember 2025
Community Grants PolicyOctober 2025
Complaints ProcedureFebruary 2025
Consultation Strategy September 2025
Dignity at Work PolicyApril 2028
DPI Dispensation ProcedureMay 2025
Disciplinary ProcedureOctober 2026
Email Acceptable Use PolicyJuly 2027
Equal Opportunities PolicyOctober 2026
Finance RegulationsMay 2025
Financial ReservesMay 2025
Future Development in the ParishSeptember 2025
GrievanceOctober 2026
Health and Safety PolicyMay 2025
Hospitality & Gifts PolicyNovember 2025
Media PolicyJune 2025
Planning Pre-Application Discussion PolicyOctober 2025
Planning ProceduresOctober 2025
Record Management Policy


July 2027
Risk Management SchemeMarch 2025
Round Meadow Local Connection Appeals ProcessOctober 2025
Scheme of DelegationMay 2025
Social Media PolicySeptember 2025
Staff Performance Management PolicyOctober 2026
Standing OrdersMay 2025
Training Statement of IntentNovember 2025


The General Data Protection Regulation  is Europe’s new framework for data protection laws. It replaces the previous 1995 Data Protection Directive, which current UK law is based upon.

The Parish Council has adopted the following Policy, Privacy Notices and Consent Form

Consent to hold Contact Information FormN/A
Data Breach PolicyAugust 2027
Information and Data Protection PolicyAugust 2027
Information Request PolicySeptember 2025
Privacy Notice (General) May 2025
Privacy Notice (Councillors, Staff and Role Holders) May 2025
Subject Access Request ProcedureAugust 2027

The Freedom of Information Act came into force at the beginning of 2005 and encourages greater openness and transparency across the whole public sector.  The Act obliges every public authority to adopt an approved Publication Scheme. The intention of a Publication Scheme is to require authorities to make certain kinds of information routinely available to the public.

The Parish Council has adopted the standard Scheme approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office appropriate for parish councils.


The guide below is a list of the current documents routinely available. Most of them will be found on this website.

FOI Guide 2023

Information Request Policy September 2022

FOI Disclosure Log September 2015

Diary Dates


Preparing Your Home and Garden for Winter

Preparing Your Home and Garden for Winter

As winter approaches, it's the perfect time to start getting your home and garden ready for the colder months. Whether it's ensuring your home stays warm, preparing your garden to support wildlife, or managing local flooding risks, there are many simple steps you can...

Contact Us


The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way


07720 854185

This website is managed by Wem Rural Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and up to date although there can be no guarantee of this. The Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of wrong information on these pages. If you see any information on this website that is incorrect please notify the Parish Clerk.

If you need to report a pothole, litter, fly-tipping or even a planning issue just click on this link and go straight to Shropshire Council’s reporting webpage